P26008-N25 Towers of p-class fields over algebraic number fields
Project Publications
Further Activities
Final Report
P26008-N25 Towers of p-class fields over algebraic number fields
Principal Investigator Daniel C. MAYER
Address Naglergasse 53, 8010 Graz, Austria
University / Research Institution Private, Styria
Approval date 24.06.2013
Start 01.09.2013   End:  31.08.2016
Scientific field(s) 1102 Algebra (40.00%)
1119 Number theory (40.00%)
1131 Computer algebra (10.00%)
1147 IT security (10.00%)
Keywords p-class field towers, infinite pro-p groups, coclass graphs of finite p-groups, kernels and targets of Artin transfers, Golod-Shafarevich cohomology theory, Schur σ-groups

With support from
FWFDer Wissenschaftsfonds